We were happy to be back on the Argentinian side of the border, particularily because $$ seems to go much further here than in Chile. For example, a hostel for one night in Chile is $20 - $25 per night and a burger and fries will run about $7-$9… While in Argentina you can sleep for $10-$12 per night, and for $7-$9 you can be eating steak!!! Bariloche is set in the mountains near to many ski resorts and all the Euros say it reminds them of being in the Alps, for it seemed a bit like Canmore with a lot more chocolate shops!!. Corne had gone a couple of days earlier and scoped out a place for us to stay, and gave us a guided tour of all the things to see in the city center.
Dawne was mostly interested in the chocolate and ice cream shops which were absolutely everywhere. Eventually we got some ice cream and walked down to lake to enjoy the scenery. We ended up heading out later that night for a few drinks and didn’t end up getting back to the hostel until around 3 or 4am. That would have been no issue except for the fact that we had a car rental confirmed the next day for 8:30am. Before heading to bed, we reminded Corne that breakfast was at 8:00am and that if he wasn’t ready to go for 9am we were leaving without him. In the morning, I headed off around 9am to pick up the car and left Dawne to pack up our things. When I returned back to the hostel at 10am with the car, Corne was sitting in the lobby waiting to leave, still with no sign of Dawne. I felt a little bad when he said he was for us at breakfast since 8:00am. Oooops!!
The three of us hopped into our sweet 2 door VW Golf and set off on a 2 day adventure along a 400 km stretch of highway known as the “Ruta de Siete Lagos” (7 lakes road). It was a good feeling to be in a vehicle of our own on the open road! A sense of freedom that we’d been missing for quite some time. We stopped at several lakes along the way to skip rocks, go for a quick swim or just to lie in the sun and take a nap.
The 1st lake and the last lake of the day were definitely the highlites. The first lake was one of the biggest on the trip and was likely the clearest lake I have ever come across. The rocks along the beach and in the water were a light granite. It was incredible to watch them sparkle in the crystal clear calm waters. The last one was near to the town of San Martin, where we planned to stay for the night. We had a great few hours sitting there relaxing and watching the sun reflect off the lake as it set beyond the hills. After driving a few more km’s to San Martin we found a great place to stay, had dinner and called it a day!
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