We met up with our English boys in Cusco at a hostel called Loki. We were soooo excited to see our boys, we missed them so much! Unfortunately they had already taken the train up to Machu Picchu so we didn’t get to do the tour with them but we spent a lovely day watching Lord of the Rings and eating tuna melts! They took off to Arequipa the following morning and we booked our Inka Jungle Trek. The trek consisted of mountain biking 55km from an elevation of 4300m to a town called Santa Marta, staying the night and then waking up bright and early to trek 15km along the rail road track to the town of Agua Calientes, which sits 20mins south of Machu Picchu. The bike ride and trek was a blast!
Even though I especially asked for a sunny day on David’s Birthday it started off pretty miserable with rain and clouds above but thankfully when we finished up breakfast the clouds broke off just in time for us to start our trek. The scenery could not have been more perfect. It actually was ironic that we watched Lord of the Rings right before our trip because that is exactly what I would describe it as! We trekked for about 4hrs until we arrived in a town called Hydro Electrica. The water plant is pretty spectacular. The whole plant is situated inside a mountain! We for sure have to do some research on this place cause it blew our minds! After a nice lunch we continued our journey down the rail road tracks for another 3-4hrs. David made the observation that we were spending his 28th b-day in hot water (the town of Agua Caliente.) After getting set up in our room we made our way to the hot springs which was really just luke warm, dirty water, over filled bathtubs. Great way to spend the afternoon! At 7:30pm we met our group for dinner and our guide explained the itinerary for the following day.
Day 3- In order to climb Waynapicchu, the mountain situated north of Machu Picchu you need to be the first 400 people to the front gate of Machu Picchu. In order to be the first 400 people to Machu Picchu you have to be the first 300 people to the base of Machu Picchu mountain. In order to be the first 300 people to the base of Machu Picchu, you have to wake up at 3:30 run to the bridge which is located 20mins north of Agua Calientes. Honestly, I didn`t even really know what Waynapicchu was, all I knew was that David and I had to be there for the race! We woke up at 3:25am, got changed and ran down the stairs to check our bags and make our way to the bridge. There was one key on the lobby desk… the race was on! We turned our flashlight and began our run! We passed a few couples on the way and arrived at the gate at 3:40am. We were blown away when we got there to see about 100 people ahead of us. At 4:15am a huge pack of people showed up behind us! It was nuts! The gate to the base of the mountain opened at 4:40am. At first it was pretty orderly, everyone was keeping the line, walking up the road to the start of the trek… that was until one rowdy guy decided to get his run on and that`s when it started! Dave and I sprinted to the trail head! We literally ran up the entire mountain! It still blows my mind looking at what we accomplished! About 30mins up, I thought I was going to pass out, I told David to go on without me but after 2 people passed me I gave myself a huge kick in the butt and forced myself to carry on. I passed a few more people and when I arrived at the top, about 15-20 people behind David we were only about 50th in line! I was so proud of David! He sprinted the entire way! He`s a crazy fool! At 6:00am they opened the gates to Machu Picchu and we got our tickets stamped to Waynapicchu!